Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Eaves and Rendering Starts - WK 14

Week 14

Mon 07th Apr - Sun 13th Apr 2014

Despite Melbourne having a whole week of rain, we had a few things done in order for them to be one step closer to lockup, not long now ::lol:: ::lol::

- Electrical Rough Ins ( Power Points, Light points, Datapoint, TV Points and Security Alarm wiring)
- 4500m Eaves Installed & Painted
- Rendering
- Kitchen Drop down Ceiling and Hallway Bulkheads
- Wall Leveling (preparation for Plaster)

Mon 7th Apr - Washing Machine Tap re-positioned - Day 64
No work was done on the sight besides Washing Machine Taps issue fixed.

During time of plumbing rough ins (Week 6) , I'd noticed the washing machine taps were in the wrong location. It should have been installed on the Middle or LHS of the cupboard so they could be closer to the washing machine and the pipes NOT taking up the whole cupboard. Today when we returned we notice this had been corrected.

Here is the before and after shots

Tue 8th Apr - Electrical Roughins - Day 65
It rained all day today, would have NOT been surprised if no work was done on the house today. After hearing some friends suggestion I thought we go to the house after work to clean and sweep between the internal walls before they get covered up with plaster. To our surprise all the electrical rough ins were done to both first and ground floor.

Wed 9th Apr - Plaster Preparation - Day 66
What an awful wet day it was today as it rained again all day. I am so thankful the bricking was completed last week ::lol::

Thought I drop by to take some photo of the electrical work and notice the cleaner had come and cleaned the interior of the house (both first and ground floor) Yah!! this cuts back some of our cleaning time.

Weekly Contract Admin status update:-
We still waiting for a few things to be done before we call it lockup. We may organise to have the Eaves put on and some rendering work happening next week.

Thu 10th Apr - Eaves & Rendering commences - Day 67
Yet again another wet and raining day but this did not set any of the tradies back.

There were tradies on sight putting up the eaves and even managed to start abit of the render work to the balcony.. YAP you heard right, even when it was raining they were rendering

Fri 11th Apr - Facade Rendering - Day 68
Despite it rain again today, today was a busy day at the house.

A few different tradies were on sight today:-

- The two renders returned to try apply as much as possible - the first coat of rendering
- The Lockup man was there to do the remainder of the wall leveling (in preparation for the plaster) and checking all the door heights etc.
- The Plumber returned to put on the shower pipes

We also managed to go check out Melbourne HIA Home Show - Many thanks to HomeOne & organizer of Melbourne HIA Home Show 2014, for sending us two complimentary tickets. :: :: ::

Sat 12th Apr - Eave Painted - Day 69
As it rained all week the painters had to come out today to apply the first coast of paint to the eaves

Now the Eaves are installed and painted, it makes it look lovely and neat

Here are some photos:-

Electrical Roughins
Kitchen Drop Down Ceiling /Bulkheads & Internal Floor cleaned
Eave installed and painted
A little rendering

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