Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Garden Tree Types

Prunus - x blireiana
 Amazing Spring display of double pink flowers.
The best bloomer of the flowering plums.
Clouds of pink fragrant flowers in early spring cloak this beautiful tree with little or no messy fruit  to contend with.
Deep reddish-purple new foliage turns a deep bronze green in summer.

Height: 4 Metre
Plant: Aug 2015
Prunus x blireiana

Prunus - Kanzan
A very popular and heavy flowering cherry with large, double pink flowers and a strong growth habit. Good for a number of landscape uses including parks, gardens and streets maturity

Height: 5 Metre
Plant: Nov 2014

Prunus - Elvins
A small flowering plum grown for an amazing display of white, changing to pink, flowers covering bare willowy branches from mid-spring. Good for small gardens and parks

Height: 3 Metre
Plant: Nov 2014

Palm - Bungalow
Archontophoenix cunninghamiana is an Australian palm. It can grow up to and over 20 metres tall. Its flower colour is violet and the red fruits are attractive to birds. It flowers in midsummer and has evergreen foliage

Height: up to 20 Metre
Plant: Dec 2014



Cherry - Stella
Sweet and productive. This tree bears plump, deep-red cherries that will cause fruit lovers to rejoice! Grow abundant crops of heart-shaped, moderately crack-resistant fruit for fresh snacks. Also suitable for canning, freezing, or drying to enjoy later. Developed in Summerland, British Columbia, introduced in 1968. Ripens in mid June. Self-pollinating

Plant: Dec 2014
Stella Sweet Cherry
Apricot- Moorpark
One of the best apricots in cultivation! Fruit has a pleasant apricot flavor with plenty of juice, sensational for fresh-eating, canning, and even drying. High in vitamins and antioxidants. Tree is hardy and a beauty in the landscape with heart-shaped foliage and showy pink-white spring blossoms – an early wildlife attractant! Flowers give way to large, golden-yellow fruits in summer. Introduced in the late 1600s. Freestone. Ripens in mid-July. Self-pollinating.

Height: 4 meters
Plant: Dec 2014
Moorpark Apricot
Pomegranate - Punica Granatum
Used for juice or fresh fruit. Produces double red flowers throughout spring and summer. A good cultivar for fruit quality.

Height: 5-8 meters
Plant: Dec 2014 
Punica Granatum

Persimmon - Sweet Dwaft
Jiro bears large tomato shaped orange coloured sweet fruit and is a dwarf, self-fertile and seedless selection which can be grown in a small backyard

Height:2  meters
Plant: Dec 2014  

Jiro bears

Lemon - Meyer
Citrus × meyeri, the Mayor lemon, is a citrus fruit native to China thought to be a cross between a true lemon and either a mandarin or common orange

Height: 4-6  meters
Plant: Dec 2014   
Citrius X Meyeri
Orange - Washington Navel
 The Washington Navel Orange is the go-to Sweet Orange.  It is famous for its winter fruits.  The seedless fruit is flavorful, juicy and peels easily.  They hold well on the tree, but will drop early in dry and hot climates.

Height: 4-6  meters
Plant: Dec 2014    
Citrus sinensis

Lime- Tahitian
Heavy bearing, medium sized fruit; very juicy and seedless. Ideal for cooking and for refreshing drinks. Harvest while still green. 

Height: 4-6  meters
Plant: Dec 2014    

Citrus x latifolia

Mandarine- Imperial
Most popular mandarin variety because they are the first to be harvested each season. They are a golden-orange mandarin, and one of a handful of popular citrus varieties that have originated in Australia. The variety was first recognized in Sydney in 1890. Imperials are easy to peel, have very few seeds, and can be enjoyed as a perfect portable snack.

Height: 3-5 meters
Plant: Dec 2014   
Citrus Reticulata

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